
Whoolspheared (rough draft)

 Whoolspheared Females Females are often shorter, rounder eyes, and shorter horns. Males Makes are often taller, more muscular, sharper eyes, and larger horns. Government - democracy Regions - grassy hills, cliff sides, mountains Culture - more laid back, collectivist, and shame based culture with a focus on fun, pleasure, and overall less stressed with their horns having shrunk in size overtime. Places more under stress of dealing with monsters, and less food however you find much more agressive controlling fear based but still collectivist systems with often these two extremes clashing. Both groups love holidays, and festivals with these two extremes often finding themselves letting their guard down at such events. They're also not a fan of opposition, and the clash of ideas. Often family members, and the future kin are shamed if one family member commits a crime. For that reason family members must change their last names, move or live with such shame to a family name. Even love...

Combat ideas

Grappling larger creatures should take longer. Grappling larger creatures is easier. Grappling creatures too small should be harder but take less time.

Combat system ideas

D&D movement - simple My movement system - complex but fair, give useful tactics that reward strategies overall. System details p2 - Agility is now a very useful stat outside of mobility only. Move half your full possible movement to perform a half move action. Sprinting - double your movement distance but Sacerfice half your AC, and -10 to any complex mobility action, counts as one action.  D&D AC - simple, effective, lacks depth. Start without numbers - Shockwave system Pathfinder - complex, lacks depth, useful Armor system ideas Goal of armor system; depth, reward thinking through tactics, and trade offs. Prepared / unprepared - -2 AC unprepared versus prepared. When hunkered down +2 AC but Sacerfice a movement action in the process. Active blocking cost action points for each hit. Passive AC - less on passive AC but more on active AC. Dodge is seperate from AC - allow Agile builds to exist but not overall effect as armor but mobility benefit. Natural AC stacking with no...

Rogue Ability / action list (rough draft)

Lunatik Art Link to the creator of this art End; nothing further down but comment section.

Terrians (rough draft)

 Environments play a role in your survival. You have many different terrian types. Each of which punishes the usage of medium, and heavy armor. Weapons also have benefits in certain terrains. This includes spells as well; magic has a bit of a difference in how it's effected. Spells can have damage debuffed, spell area debuffed, etc. Spells can have conditional debuffs as well, and at the same time have trade offs. A very mixed bag. Terrain type - weapon - armor - magic - punishment effects Flat land - none. Rocky  medium armor wearers suffer a -2 to physical check actions. Heavy armor suffers -3 to physical check actions. Ranged melee weapons +1 dmg modifier Water  Fire type magic - unable to land unless you roll a crit or mini crit. When in contact with oil will not need to crit to damage. medium -25% swim movement (round down) heavy -50% swim movement (round down) Cliffs - none (for now) Forest - heavy armor -2 to physical actions. Swamps - medium armor -1 physical chec...

Backgrounds (rough draft)

 These are where you're from for lines of work. These vary in benefits for advantages but work well overall for what they are.  Backgrounds; 1. Brawler; used to do some hand to hand fighting whether on the streets or even in bars. Effect - +1 dmg modifier to unarm attacks. +1 unarm mastery. 2. Magical bookworm; reading about magic, and doing some training here, and there gave you a better understanding but not a full grasp on such a time cost study. Effect - +1 LV 0 spell any class 3. 

Commoners (rough draft)

 Males Male commoners are less masculine than many other races but gained the ability to adapt better, and better at spreading their genetics. They very in many shapes, and sizes having a mix match of traits. Females Female commoners are less busty but many gained better adaptability, the ability to have kids across many other races. They're more adaptable as well. Made by Lunatik Draw Twitter link; Racial abilities; Males; +1 strength, -1 mind Females; +1 charisma, -1 strength Bonus stats; +2 stats; you can choose +2 extra stats but must take a -2 elsewhere. Movement speed; 25 ft land, 10 ft jump speed, 20 ft swimming speed, 25 ft climb speed, 10 ft dig speed Awareness level; eyes 3 (level 3 light) (3 miles), smell 3 (30 ft), hearing 3 (3 miles), touch 3, magic 3, and spirit 3 Bonus feat; +1 feat Adapt kin; Can have kids with other races as long as male, and female exist. Your kin only gets your Commoner traits. It must be male on female, and ...

Movement rules (rough draft)

 Movement isn't that complex; movement speed is different from speed, imagine speed is your reflexes while movement speed is your overall distance you move in a short distance. Each movement action you take cost MoP (movement points), and outside of that will cost your PP next. Movement speed is your overall speed system. Land movement speed; your movement on land. Swimming movement speed; your movement speed in the water. Climbing movement speed; your movement speed climbing. Jump movement speed; your launch off and into the air. When dealing with a complex or moving environment you have to perform a roll + agility modifier. An example being jumping off a falling rock or rocks. When crits on complex movement you gain an additional movement bonus doubling the distance you can go. A high agility modifier allows you to slip through crowds in streets as well, blending in said environment. Falling; when falling every 10 ft you gain a D6 of damage from a fall; you have to roll an agilit...

Exhaustion System (rough draft)

 You have 3 exhaustion systems; Physical - from performing physical actions, all creatures have a threshold of 8, naturally over time your exhaustion is going to build up, this is caused by walking, running, etc. As well combat will cause exhaustion, the worse your condition is the less likely you are to stay standing. Once your threshold is exceeded you'll gain a -1 modifier to your actions, and once it's +3 over your total exhaustion you'll become unconscious, and or die if you're unlucky. You can luckily fight off exhaustion with your endurance score, and small short rest will remove your physical exhaustion by 1 for every hour you rest while long rest removes all exhaustion. Magical - your body can only perform so many spells before it'll give way, unless you're using a device to channel the magic through that's not your body you're going to experience the exhaustion at a normal rate, however the rate is halved if using a way to channel your magic ot...