Commoners (rough draft)


Male commoners are less masculine than many other races but gained the ability to adapt better, and better at spreading their genetics. They very in many shapes, and sizes having a mix match of traits.


Female commoners are less busty but many gained better adaptability, the ability to have kids across many other races. They're more adaptable as well.

Made by Lunatik Draw

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Racial abilities;

Males; +1 strength, -1 mind

Females; +1 charisma, -1 strength

Bonus stats; +2 stats; you can choose +2 extra stats but must take a -2 elsewhere.

Movement speed; 25 ft land, 10 ft jump speed, 20 ft swimming speed, 25 ft climb speed, 10 ft dig speed

Awareness level; eyes 3 (level 3 light) (3 miles), smell 3 (30 ft), hearing 3 (3 miles), touch 3, magic 3, and spirit 3

Bonus feat; +1 feat

Adapt kin; Can have kids with other races as long as male, and female exist. Your kin only gets your Commoner traits. It must be male on female, and vise versa.

Bonus language; +1 language to learn

Bonus skills; +2 skill points

Bonus mastery; choose 1 mastery

Bonus action/ magic; choose 1 LV 0 generic spell or 1 generic action. Generic as in non class, can be used by all classes.

Choose traits; choose eye color, height, and body type. Choose additional traits that doesn't add benefits; yes you can add downsides if you wanted too.

Choose 1 subtype racial (optional); If chosen give up 1 racial ability. Must have 1 human racial ability, cannot use only subtype racial abilities. (Not counting this ability so you have 6 Commoner racial abilities to replace)

1. Elemental body; take 10% less total (chosen elemental type) dmg (round down).

2. Extra finger; have an extra finger, +1 check modifier to hand held items.

3 . Feral smell; awareness from smell is +10

4. Tail; can use as an extra limb to use.

5 . Horns; horn or horns deal a D6 of dmg on each hit that lands.

6 .Wings; allows you to fly 30 ft, cannot pivot fly (change direction when flying right away)

A hybrid racial trait Commoner part dragon, part human

Made by; Lunatik Draw

Twitter link;

8. Iron skin; +1 AC

9. Gills; allows you to breathe under water.

10. Bonus stat; +1 stat

11. Burly body; +2 when rolling for hit points.

12. Digger claws; deal D4 of dmg, and allows you to dig 10 ft speed.

13. Enduring body; +1 PP

14. Raw meat; can eat raw food, dont suffer sickness

15. Sharp teeth; deal D6 of dmg when biting down on a target.

Fun facts!

They're called commoners because how common they are. They're also the only race to have a level of genetic diversity post magic, and to present day.

Many commoners exist throughout the world.

Commoners were the first race made! Well the proto-humans, then humans, and finally evolved to commoners.

Commoners have come from diverse forms of government.

Commoners aren't weak because they're not as much of a beef cake, said racial power is quick genetic adaptation, less than a generation it takes to notice said changes.

Commoners out number humans, and this doesn't count the number of hybrid forms.

Humans still exist! You can't tell the difference between humans, and commoners right away. However there are differences, commoners have stronger wrist, quicker to physically change in less than a year, and have more varied skin types.

Humans have better skill adaptability while Commoners have better genetic adaptability, that's the huge difference for the split off.

Humans also don't live as long; while Commoners can live as long as a thousand years being the highest recorded number, without magic.

Game designer notes

During play testing this race is balanced surprisingly.

Commoners are designed to be the balanced clay race, fit almost any mold, fit almost anywhere at strength sacerficed for versatile nature.

All diverse spread abilities in a weaker form effectively.


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