Terrians (rough draft)
Environments play a role in your survival. You have many different terrian types. Each of which punishes the usage of medium, and heavy armor.
Weapons also have benefits in certain terrains.
This includes spells as well; magic has a bit of a difference in how it's effected. Spells can have damage debuffed, spell area debuffed, etc. Spells can have conditional debuffs as well, and at the same time have trade offs. A very mixed bag.
Terrain type - weapon - armor - magic - punishment effects
Flat land - none.
medium armor wearers suffer a -2 to physical check actions.
Heavy armor suffers -3 to physical check actions.
Ranged melee weapons +1 dmg modifier
Fire type magic - unable to land unless you roll a crit or mini crit. When in contact with oil will not need to crit to damage.
medium -25% swim movement (round down)
heavy -50% swim movement (round down)
Cliffs - none (for now)
Forest - heavy armor -2 to physical actions.
Swamps - medium armor -1 physical check modifier
heavy -3 physical check modifier.
Medium armor -10% movement
Heavy armor -25% movement.
Icy tundra
Ice type magic - +2 roll modifiers.
Fire type magic - -2 roll modifiers.
Plant type magic - -2 roll modifiers.
Meduim armor - -10% movement speed.
Heavy armor - -25% movement speed.
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