Whoolspheared (rough draft)



Females are often shorter, rounder eyes, and shorter horns.


Makes are often taller, more muscular, sharper eyes, and larger horns.

Government - democracy

Regions - grassy hills, cliff sides, mountains

Culture - more laid back, collectivist, and shame based culture with a focus on fun, pleasure, and overall less stressed with their horns having shrunk in size overtime.

Places more under stress of dealing with monsters, and less food however you find much more agressive controlling fear based but still collectivist systems with often these two extremes clashing.

Both groups love holidays, and festivals with these two extremes often finding themselves letting their guard down at such events.

They're also not a fan of opposition, and the clash of ideas.

Often family members, and the future kin are shamed if one family member commits a crime. For that reason family members must change their last names, move or live with such shame to a family name.

Even lovers are shamed for being in a relationship with a criminal or someone related to a criminal.

A criminal ending their own life can restore honor to their family.

Your kin pass on your legacy, so leaving an imprint in the history book isn't made as important as having as many kids as possible.


Male - they're more attracted to females with more musclar legs, butts, and abs but not much focus on breast.

Female - more attracted to males with larger horns, better upper body, and better wool hair.

Fun facts

In peace time they have small armies if any with many of the stronger Whoolspheared being in sports for spear throwing, ring tackling, and hand to hand combat.

Whoolspheared mostly kept away from swords and other short range melee weapons because Spears were cheap, affordable, good reach, and overall monks that trained using spears went around teaching those who were willing. Overall just a perfect storm struck.

Whoolspheared don't have hair or fur; a hybrid mix between the two. They sell what grows on their bodies to people, and when adventuring unto colder climates often cut their own hair to make good use for colder climates.

Whoolspheared reach maturity at 14, but don't stop growing until 23. In high stress environments this changes to 12 on reaching maturity on average, however will stop growing at a closer time of 19 years.

Low stress environments Whoolspheared reach maturity at 25 but stop growing at 18.

Whoolspheared follow traditional marriage, often parents look to get their children married young, and start large families as soon as possible.

Children Whoolspheared can drink at the age of 10.

Child workers are legal in their culture.

Whoolspheared are discouraged to marry outside their race, but those already living in shame ignore this anyway.

Whoolspheared don't understand nor have words for war crimes.

Monks often live among them, and even build temples nearby.

Whoolspheared don't eat meat unless desperate.

Besides hair they export salt, crafted items, fruits, plants, vegetables, and clothes.

Whoolspheared often let strangers stay the night, especially those who are trusted by the community. However often want to hear tales of your travel, or just be social in general, especially the higher the trust.

Males often spend time among themselves, even with low threat environment often clssh with one another on who leads.

Females often take care of the kids of civilization, when the males reach maturity they're made to be around the men more with the father of the male taking charge of mentoring him.


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