Movement rules (rough draft)

 Movement isn't that complex;

movement speed is different from speed, imagine speed is your reflexes while movement speed is your overall distance you move in a short distance. Each movement action you take cost MoP (movement points), and outside of that will cost your PP next.

Movement speed is your overall speed system.

Land movement speed; your movement on land.

Swimming movement speed; your movement speed in the water.

Climbing movement speed; your movement speed climbing.

Jump movement speed; your launch off and into the air.

When dealing with a complex or moving environment you have to perform a roll + agility modifier. An example being jumping off a falling rock or rocks.

When crits on complex movement you gain an additional movement bonus doubling the distance you can go.

A high agility modifier allows you to slip through crowds in streets as well, blending in said environment.

Falling; when falling every 10 ft you gain a D6 of damage from a fall; you have to roll an agility save to roll above the damage in order to avoid said damage, if met on the damage with your save roll you only take half damage. When landing in water the damage is doubled for total. When landing in something soft such as hay you take no damage.

Overburdened; when carrying more than you can carry you will halve your movement speed, and a fourth your movement speed when you're over 50% your total carry weight.

Sprinting; you double your movement speed in one action, you'll be open to attacks, and gain 1 additional exhaustion.

Terrain; no environment is only a flat terrain. When traveling on


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