Two factors for money I. This system; one, inflation, and two money tied to an asset its backed by for its value. Higher value coins are printed less while lesser value coins are printed more, the higher the value, the higher the protections and cost to make to combat fake currency. Welcome to the broken economic system! magic items and Magix in general breaks an economic system, who knew! Larger coin value often only used on magic items. Magic items get far more expensive the stronger the Enchantment. Keep in mind the millionares, billionares, trillionares, hexillionare, sectrillionares, decillionares, etc, etc; are mostly powerful magic users who often use angel coins to own pocket dimension mansions. most items are kept cheap, normal market value all expect for magic items to weapons. Also keep in mind thanks to clerics, healers, Mages and etc. People don't die as often to disease, food shortages, and assassination attempts. That being sa...