Common Terms

1.Action; every action requires you to roll a check first unless otherwise stated.

2.Actors; all the given events within the scene.

3.Attack; is an action that deals DMG.

4.Brace; ready for a strike.

5.Check; Roll a D20

6.Creature; it's any NPC, PC and or monster

7.DMG; short for damage

8.Feats; abilities that go above and beyond.

9.Hit; is when an attack land

10.Modifiers; a modifier is points that add to specific rolls you perform.

11.Monster; going into a fight against

12.NPC; non player character

13.PC; player character

14.Skill; each one has a specific challenge roll to go over for a certain situation.


16.Stat attribute; each stat and set up the player.

17.Stat point; each stat has points that effect the Stat modifier.

18.Status effect; is the given changed caused by one of the following; slug, frost, fire, shock, poison, toxic, curse, boost, and or corrosion.

19.Status represents the effect on your stats

20.Unconscious; unable to act, react, collect info and or perform a roll.


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