
Two factors for money I. This system; one, inflation, and two money tied to an asset its backed by for its value. Higher value coins are printed less while lesser value coins are printed more, the higher the value, the higher the protections and cost to make to combat fake currency.

Welcome to the broken economic system! magic items and Magix in general breaks an economic system, who knew! Larger coin value often only used on magic items. Magic items get far more expensive the stronger the Enchantment.

Keep in mind the millionares, billionares, trillionares, hexillionare, sectrillionares, decillionares, etc, etc; are mostly powerful magic users who often use angel coins to own pocket dimension mansions. most items are kept cheap, normal market value all expect for magic items to weapons. Also keep in mind thanks to clerics, healers, Mages and etc. People don't die as often to disease, food shortages, and assassination attempts. That being said dragons, someone trying to take over the world again and your average chaotic adventurer is quite a problem. There isn't a high death rate and so more money between more people to use said money. Currency evolved with cultures, and vise versa. low magic areas have less different asset coins. Inflation isnt much of an issue between towns being destroyed, and new lands to harvest resources from.

1. scrap Coin (ScC) = 1 value. Scrap Coin instead of being dumped take the cheapest metal into a coin. This can buy you an apple

2. Brass Coin (BC); 1 BC = 5 SsC

3. Bronze Coin (BrC); 1 BrC = 10 SsC

4. Copper Coin (CC); 1 CC = 25 SsC

5. Iron Coin (SC); 1 IC = 50 SsC

6. Nickel Coin (NC); 1 NC = 1.00 SsC

7. Steel Coin (DC); 1 StC = 2.00 SsC

8. Silver Coin (StC); 1 SC = 3.00 SsC

9. Gold Coin (GC); 1 GC = 400 SsC

10. Diamomd Coin (DC); 1 DC = 5.00 SsC

11. Ruby Coin (RC); 1 RC = 10.00 SrC

12. Sapphire Coin (SapC); 1 SapC = 20.00

13. Topaz Coin (TC); 1 TC = 50.00 SrC

14. Emerald Coin (EC); 1 EC = 100.00 SrC

15. Platinum Coin (PC); 1 PC = 200.00 SrC

16. Rainbow Coin (RaC); 1 RaC = 400.00 SrC

17. Prism Coin (PC); 1 PC = 600.00 SrC

18. Mage Coin (MC); 1 MC = 800.00 SrC

19. Mana Coin (MaC); 1 MaC = 1,000.00 SrC

20. Angel Coin (AC); 1 AC = 2,000.00 SrC

21. Reality Coin (ReC); 1 ReC = 4,000.00 SrC

22. World Coin (WC); 1 WC = 5,000.00 SrC

23. Void Coin (VC); 1 VC = 10,000.00 SrC

24. Pocket World Coin (PWC); 1 PWC = 20,000.00 SrC

25. Wizard Coin (WC); 1 WC = 50,000.00 SrC

26. Mage Coin (MagC); 1 MagC = 100,000.00 SrC

27. Planet Coin (PlC); 1 PlC = 200,000.00 SrC

28. Prince Coin (PrC); 1 PrC = 500,000.00 SrC

29. Princess Coin (PriC); 1 PriC = 1,000,000.00 SrC

30. Queen Coin (QC); 1 QC = 2,000,000.00 SrC

31. King Coin (KC); 1 KC = 5,000,000.00 SrC

32. Soul Coin (SoC); 1 SoC = 10,000,000.00 SrC

33. Divine Coin (DC); 1 DC = 20,000,000.00 SrC

34. Realm Coin (ReC); 1 Rec = 100,000,000.00 SrC

35. Elder Coin (?C); 1 ?C = 1,000,000,000.00 SrC


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