The divine (rough draft)

 So you wanna be a priest huh? Alright! We got healers, nuns, white mages! However spirituality works different from magic. With magic you have a number of favors you can cast a day; you can expand those favors by having contracts with the gods. You see gods have other evil creatures / entities to deal with. Your goal is to fulfill the desire of your god. The more powerful the god, the more enemies the divine have, the less powerful the less enemies.

That being said you're given a multitude of divine classes effectively. All divine good or evil have task or oaths you must complete. Some gods must be brought virgins for an example; this would be called a divine gift. The divine gift is given to the god, and if to their liking you gain a divine action you can perform!

You see gods have limited roles they play, sure they can do other things but they're limited in scope for what they want / can get. Yes the goddess of fertility can make men become lustful, and make women desire to have children but she herself cannot force someone to have sex with her, the universe has a twisted sense of humor in how their gifts, and curses are given.

The more powerful the god, the more powerful the twisted curse. Oh you can created all of time and space? You can be everywhere, and no where at once? Oh good you get the curse of not being able to enjoy it! A twisted sense of humor of what could be a higher being above them?  Some gods believe in the gods of gods theory but none of them would know where to start.

Anyways there is no limit to the number of divine favors you can hold but with that being said you still have to perform actions that would allow you to help bring forth that magic. You see you're loaned magic, and unless you're a divine walker (loaned magic by the universe but in return given an ironic / twisted curse) you don't have an endless well of magic.

With magic flowing through your body it's your job to properly aim it, and properly wield it; meaning yes it can, and sometimes will backfire on you. Here comes a great option; instead of becoming effected by the backfire effect you can burn favors to save your own butt using your own divine buddy as a meat-shield! On the other side of things they're probably going to punish you if you don't have enough divine favors, and burn through your divine favors! Again the amount your nullifying is equal to the power of the divine call, your smite spell is backfiring on you dealing a D20 of damage to you? Oh boy you better be ready because on the lowest cost the divine charge you 1 divine favor for every 2 dmg they take!

So you have a couple choices; choose a weak divine to worship but at the same time have weak bonuses, or have strong divine to worship but more rules to follow!

Oh the rules who could forget that! You have a number of rules you must follow at all times; some gods don't let you work on Sunday, others say you'll lose your powers if you lose your virginity before marriage, you get the picture.

Request quest; these are fun because you have a divine being calling upon you to do something; sometimes it's something simple as, "hey; you see that turkey over there? Yeah buy it for me!" and then there is, "hey I noticed your party member is a virgin..." these request are sometimes made in good faith, and other times they're doing it because it humors them. However these difficult request often yield more favors than before!

You can end up in a position where overusing your magic causes you to become indebt to your divine body. Here comes the fun part though! Your body is their casting! Now you're probably wondering how come the divine, and magic aren't under the same roof? Oh that's simple; they're under the same umbrella but only cousins of each other because of this. An example being a cat and tiger are both related but a lion isn't a cat, and vise versa.

The divine drop; when this happens it's because you broke an oath, that or didn't follow the code of said god or goddess. You're sometimes put into a tough spot, my values? Or my party members? The stronger the goddess the harder the request is to drop.

The other kicker is gods, and goddesses can see your oaths; this includes all divine entities, so if a demon spots you nearby and discovers the oaths you were meant to keep, yes sometimes demons will come in to screw with you. When this happens such as a demon transforming into a little boy, and trying to put themselves in harms way if given the proper proof that said demon was actually screwing with you causing you to break your oath, you can gain your oath back, and all your blessings, however this can't happen if you're already worshipping a different divine.

Fun facts

Most Vallene are pretty good at hooking people up with gods, and because so many Vallene make pacts with gods they often engaged with the most!

God's have many unexplored lands to discover that they created, forgot about, and or outright scrapped. What you thought they got it right on their first try? Wait but if God's created these lands then how are they given a twisted curse? Ah you see they can't enter Realms, universes, and or worlds they made.

The God's themselves never questioned the universe being a blank empty sandbox, and no one knows who created the universe to begin with. The twisted curse they never realized was a thing until the proto-humans, and even then some of the divine always remember the curse being there from the beginning while others don't remember.


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