Scal (rough draft)
Scaly skinned creatures that come from many different environments, and depending on the environment they're born in will be a different scal but in general keep some similar features to one another of consistent details such as scales. They're commonly with horns, wings, and a long tail.
Male Scale are covered more in scales; more physical attributes for survival. They're more dragon-like to form, and the higher the testosterone the more dragon-like qualities.
Covered less in scales, and more for appeal to attract mates with their physical bodies. They're the most human in form.
Racial bonuses
+2 Hardy, -2 charisma, -2 willpower
Movement speed; 20 ft land, 10 ft jump speed, 10 ft swimming speed, 25 ft climb speed
Scal Flight; they can't pivot (mean change direction as easily in air) they're able to launch off and take flight in a direction but requires a strength check to properly change direction at a moments notice without needing to slow down, they're able to handle mountainous regions with no penalties to flight. They have 30 ft of flight but the males have +10 more ft of flight.
Scal claws; not as powerful with male claws being a +2 modifier of physical damage upon each hit while female Scal having a +1 modifier instead.
Frost body; most Scal are from the frost region halving damage dealt by ice.
Disease factor; have a -4 against rolls against diseases, toxics, and poisons due to being from such cold environments. Scal males instead have -2 against rolls instead.
Scal tail; the tail isn't as powerful but it's a painful tool that is capable of disarming their opponent.
Scal's fate; they're able to re-roll a casting of a spell but at the cost of an additional 1 MP. During the same combat encounter this cost will snowball from an additional 1 MP to an additional 2 MP unless the re-rolled roll is a natural crit then the cost is reset back to it's original additional amount. On frost type magic, and or physical magic the additional cost isn't on the first re-rolled cast.
Mana pooled; +4 modifier for total MP.
Sleepy body; they're able to sleep in any environment with little to no penalties, can sleep in heavy armor as if it's nothing, and gain a full good night's rest.
Males only;
+2 mind, +2 strength
Frost body; +2 AC, against frost type actions +4 modifier instead
Berserk body; wounds don't penalize the creature, the half or less total HP it'll start to gain an additional +2 frost modifier on all physical actions but a -2 frost modifier on all spells at this point. Other possible triggers are tragic moments, such as a death of a loved one.
Females only;
+2 wisdom, +2 nimble
Frost spill; for physical spells, and destruction spells they're able to add +2 frost modifier, for ice type physical spells, and or destruction spells add a +2 frost modifier (frost modifier means it cannot be subtracted; meaning on a roll you'll always at least have that said frost modifier that cannot be subtracted from a total)
Low oxygen; female Scal flee towards mountains and don't suffer movement penalties in low oxygen environments along with handling low pressured environments easier.
Berserk mind; when the half or less total HP it'll start to gain an additional +2 frost modifier on all physical spells and or destruction spells but a -2 frost modifier on all physical actions that don't use destruction magic, and doesn't meet the conditions for boosting your spells with this said racial ability. Other possible triggers are tragic moments, such as a death of a loved one.
Scal's are the culture of lust; open-ness, and light-hearted. They're not to disconcerted with moral, and immoral as they are with survival; a system that's complete anarchy, a lack of control, and discourse with a less advance civilizations but one where they're unique, and odd from the others. They're more lustful, and in general have less worries about dealing with others; male Scal will in general be a ten to one Raito to females, and often fight each other to the death for one female, likewise this causes male Scal to be less picky, taking whatever they can get with the might makes right, and mother nature being cold to these creatures.
Due to the more primal actives never-ending some Scal males went further down towards human civilizations instead. However due to the male Scal's berserk mind when brought down to a state of desperation they're in a state of rage and bloodshed similar to a berserker but worse in the sense that they're able to leave a trail of dead bodies if leaving their mind in this state for too long.
A death of a loved one can leave a Scal in the beast-like mental state for a long time depending on what caused the event to happen to the said creature.
That because of this you don't see many Scal living among humans, and or having kids due to the volatile possibility of them one day snapping due to something in their genetics.
When under control, keeping themselves inline they're often in places with weaker Scal, and lower birth rates. Children from a young age learn to fight, learn to fend for themselves, and are taught many things involving their environment, the creatures to hunt, animals to fight, etc.
They're forced to grow up quick, and to learn how the real world works, giving them harsh, unlovingly childhoods, well unloving once the parents die which is quite common, and or before they're in their teens often the children have to grow up in solitude for long periods of time alone, no one, and even if a tribe is formed often frost giants, or some giant monster to the region comes in, and runs a muck.
Don't let their culture fool you; they're smart, and fast learners; however not so sociable. They may look attractive but they're blunt, lack social skills, and or social cues. They're not very good at lying, and they don't really care to lie, even so they're not any good at lying because of this. They're not as good at battering as well; again overall better with the natural harsh world than they are with civilization that is the biggest challenge. The aspects of reading and writing would be easy but understanding the read the room isn't their biggest strength.
In a world where a frost giant could one day murder your entire family; or you know; a dragon I'm sure you'd be not as worried about social cues.
Fun facts!
Scal are not from dragons; shocking I know.
Female Scal aren't as protective of their bodies because likewise male Scal are often more than capable of protecting them.
Many fat Scal died off not because male Scal wouldn't fornicate with them but rather Frost Giants easily ate the fat, slow, sluggish, and or weak Scal. So you have the genetic specimen of Scal we have now.
Scal never left the mountains before due to having a lack of protection against diseases; in the past having a -20 modifier against diseases, toxics, and poisons. Yes leaving the mountain meant death.
Due to the price of Scal have on their heads they're quite a prized possession to have for a slave; often slavers were willing to risk their lives to climb up these mountains for sickly ill one would go for over a million scrap coin in it's price alone.
However due to adventurers being out and about; that and frost giants not wanting their meals to be stolen slavers were often hunted, and or eaten by frost giants. That, and Scal became less of a prized possession after running into the problem of them getting sick so easily. Food poisoning could mean the death of them, not being able to eat raw meat outside of the mountains. That and their murderous outburst along with berserker-like qualities made them less valuable than a human slave. So slayers released their slaves knowing they cost more to keep than actually selling them.
Male Scal when pent up during mating seasons, which no it's called mating season because it's when they mate the most, not that they only mate during this time; anyways sometimes Male Scal out of desperation will start to have sex with dead bodies, and even rocks. Yes you heard that right; even rocks out of sexual frustration, and often do break their pelvis in doing so.
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