How leveling up works

 Leveling up works by ability buying; you use the money you have in order to buy moves to learn, buy abilities. You can mix and match classes; however the abilities are built within the class with the idea in mind that they're built to synergize together; this isn't to say you can't buy other class abilities but they'll require a different mindset  / playstyle. An example; fighters are built around understanding the battlefield, and your weapons; taking on 1V1 encounters.

While Mages are built around thinking about the entire battle, less focus on the battlefield with flexible roles to fill from utility to crowd control. The abilities are design to play on the class strengths, and weaknesses.

That being said it's also designed to allow the classes lack of synergy to be less broken; a priest fighter build is going to be underpowered compared to a pure priest, and a pure fighter build. However a priest mage is going to be a better combined choice.

Classes built around this philosophy;

Magic + magic = synergy

Fight + fight =  synergy


Classes are built around these factors in order to be considered a class if you wish to homebrew.

Utility; what uses outside of fighting, outside of combat to perform.

Warrior; your offense unit for how strong they are.

Defender; How well can they protect the team

Support; buffs, healing, etc. They're the ally.

All classes are built with a mix of these attributes in mind.

All races are built in such a way they're useful in one class or another; an example being Mallak make great bards due to channeling magic through their voices already; Drakeith make great fighters, and berserkers.

Every 3 levels you can take a feat. Every level up you're also taking in more benefits which is decided by the class you take. Each class has unique bonuses each level up.


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