Goddess Ellane (Rough Draft)

 Ellane Crown Star

What she looks like

Made by Lunatik Art, Twitter Link; https://twitter.com/lunatik_draw

Choosing this goddess; She grants her followers +1 strength in combat, all destruction type magic deal +10% extra dmg.

Morality: amoral, chaotic

Moral code: casting out others isn't allowed; stronger together, not a part. You must at any cost help your team; your group is your family, and is to never be betrayed unless your goddess approves of it.

Gifts: She loves virgins (will take any female or male but do not kill them, she'll poof them to her location), feast of fish, and loves it when her followers mention her name in war.

Lore / story

The first outsider to overthrow a Drakeith King; and take his thrown. The only known demi-goddess to do so. She is from the goddess of fertility, and the god of war. Ellane became the lower ranking god of both, the birth of war. The king (to be placed name) cried out to the gods due to his boredom, and constant victories. Sure he had the power to start and end wars but what was the point? No opponent to drive him to the edge, to given him a fight with fighting? Those who came in contact with (name to be placed) were easily destroyed with one punch, a man who left his weapons, and armor out to the way side.

He called out to the gods, due to the Drakeith's not having a god of worship the king (named to be placed) searched for a god to fight, and so came across a Vallene goddess that was cast out for, well having sex with outsiders. casted out by her mother, and father for breaking the rules, left to be a goddess with little power now she came across (king to be named) the king took a liking to her, and when trying to take her for himself she was able to fight him off, pushing him back. He realized who he found after her displaying what little power she had.

However she burned most of her power from her display, and passed out. The king took her back, and gave her a bed. She woke up dazed, and confused. The king in her room with servants. She asked him, "are you going to have your way with me? You filthy heathen will never-" but she noticed food by her bedside, she noticed no chains, a comfy bed, and the look on the face of the king was a sad, longing face on the king's face.

She asked, "mortal; what is wrong?"

He explained to her; "I long for a battle, one that can drive me to my breaking point; I have a deal for you. In our culture the winner of a fight takes the kings throne, I want you well fed, well rested, and at full strength to fight me." She was lost for words when hearing this. He pleads with her, "please fight me; I don't care if you kill me, please give me your all; don't hold back because I won't be."

She tells him, "okay; I'll fulfill your request. However won't you miss your people? Why are you wanting me to take over?"

He explains, "the strong take over; I cannot pass the throne down." He reaches his head down, and kisses her hand. He softly smiles, "I know you will not disappoint me." He leaves the room. At dinner time he gets to know her more, "might I know your name?"

She tells him, "my name is Ellanille; but my friends called me Ellane."

He introduces himself, "my name is king (insert name for later)" The two are provided a feast, wonderful fish, human remains, etc. He happily rubs his hands together, "warrior meat! No cowards meat, right? Or do I need to throw another man into the dungeon." The man looks at the king's serious face, the man nods. The king laughs and slaps his ass, "don't be so worried lad! I was giving you a hard time is all!" He turns his attention to her, "so what fighting style? Magic heavy, ranger, etc. You know the basic stuff."

She shrugs, "whatever I need at the time; I mostly fly around and shoot lightning; besides that my combat magic mostly comes down to my father's strength buff, and my mothers... asset alteration let's say."

The king remarks, "so your breast aren't actually this big usually?"

She laughs, "no, no far from it; they're actually bigger. In the heavens fun bags such as these wouldn't be such a big deal but here... here is a whole different story, seriously how do women laydown to rest with these?"

The king tells her, "well women don't have as big breast as you do; that, and generally speaking Drakeith women are stronger than a commoner woman, and stronger than a human woman." The king rubs his facial hair and remarks, "that reminds me; what race are you? I haven't seen this around before... "

She comments, "Vallene can explain this better but generally speaking this form is from another universe entirely; don't get to bogged down into the details, it's a form I loved, and so I took before coming down. Of course I would've taken a form with for or more pussies, hell maybe even smaller breast than this but a lass this is what I'm stuck with."

The Drakeith king rubs his chin, "four or more you said- wait focus! Okay, now that we got that small talk out of the way I have trainers at the ready, maids who can dress you at your desired command, and the servants that can serve you at your beckon and call." He sighs, "it's not heaven but I'll try to do the best I can; unfortunately we don't have god sized beds but we do have dragon sized beds." She laughs at this remark, however once dinner is over he shows her a bed that is fit for a dragon to sleep on.

The maid in the room nervously stands there; the king notices a spot of the bed having a crease. He goes over and back hands the maid, "you made a crease? I wanted the bed good enough to have it where you could bounce a platinum coin on the bed! Not so bad it has a crease you stupid bitch!" Ellane grabs his hand. The king lowers his stance, notices it's Ellane.

Ellane scolds him, "this is how you treat your people? You're not an animal are you?" He bows before her.

He softly speaks, "I'm sorry; I'll, I'll leave you to your room. I'm sorry about my behavior you two." He leaves.

Ellane turns to the maid and asks, "are you alright? Does he hit you often?"

The maid rubbing her face tells her, "I'm fine; and no it doesn't happen often." She shows Ellane some pictures down the hallway, of a happy king with his servants but each picture the king's face gets more dreary, and drearier. The final picture having no servants around him. The maid sighs, "a man to a beast; the day the life drained from his eyes." She perks up, "however; you could cure his boredom! His prison! Give him what he's looking for!" Ellane nods. The maid speaks, "I know I'm not supposed to say this but the king has been sleepless in his pursuit of making sure when you woke up that you'd have everything you could possibly want. He doesn't want you fleeing, and it's my duty to make sure you have any, and everything; to make sure you don't leave the castle."

Ellane asks, "where is the king?"

The maid tells her, "he's in a meeting about the budget; they're trying to get the funds for-"

Ellane finishes the sentence, "an arena. He is truly serious about this."

The maid finishes her sentence, "for roads, he actually already built an arena before you came along."

When the time came she stood before the king in an arena with a large crowd watching from above, cheering on the king. In the fight she wore no armor, her casual attire, and bared no weapon. In said fight as soon as the gong was rung she had already gotten the first strike in with a lightning strike, the king took the hit, having his body slowly die on him as he eventually pulled his shield before him, then she used the flight spell, slamming right into his shield, picking up, and flying high into the air as she casted a barrier around herself, going from a large height, above the clouds, and throwing him.

However he got up, brushing it off, even with his body bloody, and bruised.

She asked, "Had a enough?" However from the look on his face he was having the time of his life as he pointed his sword at her.

He laughed like a madman, "far from it! I haven't had this much fun in... in forever! Come at me fallen goddess! Show me what you're truly made of!"

She replied, "If you-"

He shouts, "I don't care! As I said I don't care if this kills me! Do it! Hit me with the hardest strike you have! Give it your all!" She flew down, going towards him, going in for a strike, and thinks to herself, "if I can just incapacitate him" however the blade cuts her cheek, barely any bleeding, and the blade barely cut through her skin but she snarled in rage. She picked him up, flying into the air. However this time he was prepared to be thrown down but instead was thrown into the air, first strike was a punch, second strike was a kick, and third strike; his own blade stabbed into his chest. As the life faded from his eyes, he brushed her hair. He mumbles, "thank you."


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