Combat (rough draft)
Lancing Blow - When armor class is equal to the check rolled against your AC type you take half of said damage type.
Crit strike - when dealing damage the crit modifier is applied for the damage being a successful landing on said target. Said condition is met when rolling a natural 20.
Damage Crit - when rolling the max possible damage on the roll the mini damage crit is applied for the multiplier.
Luck crit - luck score is added to the Crits.
Crit conditions - when x condition is met damage said crit effect from said condition is caused.
Move strike - when you move you can perform a Slash attack and keep moving, allows you to stack actions into one performance.
Combat check - All moves have a check rolled for them in combat.
Combo - when successfully performing a physical action you can follow up, and use more action points to chain the combo, until the chain is broken by a failed roll; each combo counter is +1 and is applied to your action, you can chain off your combo with other creatures such as an ally as long as they have an action point to burn.
Speed - total speed is used for who goes first; only speed tied creatures roll. When your speed doubles over the other creatures in the combat encounter you act twice over attack.
Awareness - all fighters have awareness levels in combat. High awareness level allows you to see an opponent coming from a mile away, however a low awareness level means you lack the ability to see an opponent coming. Your awareness level is your spirit sense, smell, touch, magic sense, taste, and sight. Your wisdom modifier effects your total awareness level. When becoming aware of something use a specific sense when it comes to more niche situations such as having sleeping powder tickle your nose, or you know seeing the rogue sneaking around. Your awareness level is a difficult challenge rating that the opposing party in question must roll over.
Combat time - all combat time is 12s for each turn to act upon your actions.
Defensive score - defensive score is blocking the damage being dealt to you.
AP (action points) - overall adds to your actions that you can perform, and will be burned first.
MP (mana points) - it's used when casting magical actions; when going minus into MP will be a minus modifier on your magical actions, and all magic actions are halved unless you crit.
PP (physical points) - it's used when performing a physical actions; when going minus into PP will be a minus modifier on your physical actions, and all physical attacks are halved unless you crit.
HP (hit points) - when your HP goes 0 or below you get knocked out. When hit again while knocked out they die.
AC (Armor class) - benefits all your classes of armor.
PAC (physical armor class) - physical armor class is used against physical actions. When successful against the check score you take no damage, when rolled below the PAC total you take damage, this is when your defensive score kicks in.
MAC (magical armor class) - magical armor class is used against magical actions. When successful against the check score you take no damage, when rolled below the MAC total you take damage, this is when your defensive score kicks in.
Stagger Score - when a target rolls above your poise you become staggered opening you up to additional attacks within the attacking range.
Turn order - turn order is based on consciousness as well; not only speed, skip over creature turns when they're knocked out, and animal companions along with summoned creatures share the caster's turn order unless said otherwise.
Opening - when a target is moving by you within 5 ft you gain an opening to perform an action against them, however it must be within your weapon's range as well, and must have action points to burn. An opening can happen not only when a target is moving by you but it could also happen if the target trips, becomes staggered, becomes unconscious, and or is successfully grappled, and is within range to be hit.
Poise - makes it harder to knock you down, grit your teeth through pain, and makes it harder to knock you down.
Grappling - roll against the creature you're trying to grapple, each height difference by 1 making it harder to grapple the said target. When you successfully grapple a target, and every turn held they're able to take an opportunity to break free.
Bounce off - when a creature is thrown into a solid surface as long as the surface under them doesn't break with a crit on a check roll when thrown into the ground will bounce off the ground, and bounce the opposite direction, if within melee range, and not out of any action points you can act again.
Offhand actions - off hand actions have no time cost, and are done with little to no thinking required, allowing for a smooth transition from one action to another.
Recoil - when firing guns you have recoil to worry about; the said recoil is only applied to the combat round when this gun is used, and is reset at the start of your turn. The more powerful the gun the more recoil it's going to have.
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