Magic (rough draft)

 Magic comes in many forms, different shapes, and each form is no different from the other only a different way it's produced. That being said magic isn't straight forward as other systems because of the journey, not just the end result.

Magic in this world; it's around you, surrounds you, and can be felt around us. When you cast magic it has weight, it has depth, you can feel it, and down in your very essences feels as if it's an extension of you, your blood, sweat, and tears put into the long hours of understanding magic you come to understand magic on a deeper level, and what it means to you, and vise versa. It's not something you can force to come forth and destroy but it's something you can come to understand in it's vast depth of murkiness. Many casters know how to cast said magic but not many understand said magic; some creatures driven mad by the knowledge they discover as they dig down, others harness it, and embrace boredom as their mind settles into it, every magic user falls somewhere in-between the further down they go towards mastering their craft.

Casting point

Choose the points on the body to cast from, some spells require a full body casting; that being said when the casting point is hit when trying to perform a spell that requires concertation you lose the ability to cast that spell, however if you attempt to still cast the spell you're working with half your total check roll.

When a casting point is destroyed, and or severely damaged you lose the ability to cast said spell. Critting on casting points allow you a free uninterrupted cast from said points. The default number of casting points is two, creatures can have more casting points.

Casting points must be from a held item, and or body part.

Summoning point

While casting points are a thing you also have summoning points where you have a spot to summon from, this could be a summoning circle, a point from a symbol, and or trap you manifest magic; unlike a casting point this spell is already prepared.

Mana threshold

Your will power controls the ability to cast said magic due to the threshold on your body. The higher the threshold the less likely you are to take damage. If the number of spells you cast within a day goes double above your mana threshold you'll die. Every short rest resets the mana threshold allowing you to cast more magic again. For every 1 point you go over your threshold your modifier on all rolls relating to magic become -1.

Shared burden

When having two or more casters perform a spell you share the burden, at the cost of the spell possibly backfiring on all of you hitting more than one target, the spell only requires the majority of the casting said spell to succeed; if successful you'll split the mana burnout equally allowing you to cast more spells for the day; however in failing to do so you all take an additional 1 mana burnout.

Mana programming

All magical items are carefully built for their enchants, curses not so much; for enchantments you're putting a lot of time and effort into building up your said enchantment, allowing you to explore more possibilities with said device; however it does require mana, not just any mana but mana from a strong living breathing caster, because of this not many magical items are made by low level magic users due to the high risk, and strain on the body.


Pain will effect your ability to cast magic. The higher levels of pain inflicted the less likely you're able to keep focus, because of this; yes some magic users such as wizards drink a little, so yes the reason why you see so many alcoholic wild magic wizards running around because they booze up, take a hit, and carry on as if it's nothing.

Supercharged (hasn't been tested)

All magic can be charged; when charging a spell you increase the cost of mana burden by it's cost amount to cast said spell, increase the mana cost as well but allows the spell to be twice as effective. However supercharging a spell takes time for your body to recover due to bottlenecking.


Your limited on how powerful of a spell you can cast from your willpower, and magic level. When leveling up under a magic user ability list for every 1 magic user ability you take you'll level up your ability to do magic, this allows you to cast stronger magic; this is what stops so many young mages from casting fire ball, it's not as if the knowledge is unknown to them but that they're physically limited due to the lack of experience, and handling of magic.


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