Drakeith Race and other info (rough draft)
Males - the males are shorter, darker purple skin, wider hands, and a broader body. Males have large burly horns. Males have wider feet; overall less flexible but sturdy body.
Females - the females are taller; lighter purple skin, wider than human hands, and a slimmer body. Females have a long thin tail and usually have no horns but if they do have horns they're often smaller, thinner, and less prominent. Females have slimmer feet, longer feet; overall a more flexible body but frail body.
Link to the artist twitter; https://twitter.com/lunatik_draw
Race bonuses;
Sharp fangs; when biting they have an additional +1 modifier to deal damage upon biting
Sharp claws; Unarm attacks have an additional +1 modifier to deal damage upon strikes
Blood scent; when a creature is bleeding nearby +3 modifier to perception check within 100 ft of the creature.
Female only;
can re-roll one physical save roll
Tail; females can use the tail as a weapon dealing a D6 + STR of damage
Males only;
Horns; horns that deal D6 + STR of damage
Average height for male Drakeith;
3.9 ft to 5.9 ft
Average height for a female Drakeith;
5.9 ft to 9 ft
Drakeith langue
Shadow Tongue - focus on soft and hard word depending on pronouncing the word; an example, cat said normal is just talking about a cat. A Cat is talking about something different than a cat and treated as a different word, as thus named shadow tongue.
Drakeith's are a Warrior culture that value hard work, don't value weakness, and celebrate life and death. They feast after a successful battle. They value those who work hard and provide for the community, high class citizens are veterans, rich people, and engineers.
Handicapped; unless provide to society aren't valued. Drakeiths frown upon weak children, and failures. To show fear is weakness.
Sloth and laziness are frown upon, calling out sick frown upon, and letting an injury impede you is; you guessed it, frown upon.
Exceptions made for veterans, elderly, and kings.
A culture ruled by constitutional monarchy and the ruler gains his position via a battle royale, all warriors going into the fight no clothes, armor and or weapons. The winner must knockout or kill the opponent.
A king that is regulated by a Supreme court in order to stay within the order.
Kings can step down but cannot hand the power over, a king must have multiple children, blood related but cannot hand his kingship over unless in a state of an emergency.
Festive events
1 - War victory
The bodies of their fallen enemies; a Drakeith's body can handle any part of (most) creatures when consuming; don't eat the cowards / retreating forces. Drakeith's bodies handle (blank) diseases.
2- First kill
Parents celebrate the first kill their child performs; usually with meat and sugary foods.
3 - First bed time fun
Yes they celebrate the first fuck; it's the beginning step for a man and a woman into adulthood in Drakeith culture.
4 - Marriage
They celebrate marriage of one or more wife; only those of higher rank / higher status may have multiple wives but that being said it's not frown upon to have a harem of mistresses but cannot have multiple mothers of children. That and because of a certain someone the maximin number of wives one can have is twenty.
5 - Becoming a doctor
Earning a doctorate; it's not easy earning one and having to go through a guild to pay the fees and everything has it's benefit of networking workers together, however you're held to a high standard. Now basket weaving, and all that isn't celebrated.
6 - Moving up a rank
It's not easy moving up a rank; it's not just someone dying that you become a true rank up but when you're officially recognized by your work, your effort, and your valor on the field of battle you're seen as a proud rank up within the military.
Bathing in the blood of your enemy;
Drakeith's often found along the rivers, oceans, any body of water containing fish. Drakeith love to eat the following;
fish, whales, dolphins, seals, walrus, crab, lobster, and dragons.
Education system
Mentorship guild; a mentorship is a specific profession of a guild that can vouch for your education, often used to help Drakeith's get into universities due to studying / learning useful skills as thus mastering the forge and showing proficiency makes you a doctor of the forge. Often Drakeith's get their doctorates this way.
K-12 Drakeith's have a, "normal" system in the sense of proving yourself instead, if a 1st grader for an example shows proficiency at the test they'll be skipping a grade, because many parents often want their children to be training instead of learning, often pressure is put on the children to excel forward, pass their test with flying colors and skip a grade or two.
Often expectations are set high to the point mentorship was added for children to take on learning under commanders, generals, etc.
Justice system
You're given a three party system; the defendant, the prosecutor, and the jury for a normal trail. For trails against royals and noblemen you're given a trail of the upper class being made of the jury.
You're given a chance to win your freedom via combat; however it's to the death.
In Drakeith culture to be heard in the court room is a privilege not a right; that being said most criminals are given a trail.
The king can override any ruling so long as the supreme court doesn't override it.
Additional facts
Once a male citizen hits the age of 14 you must serve 1 year in the military; if you wish to live in a Drakeith civilization you must serve in the military for 1 year.
You're not allowed to be strung out on drugs; you will be tied down to a bed, forced to sober, and if you survive, you will be placed in the military for 6 months to a year. However that being said being on drugs in your own house won't get you thrown in jail.
There is no honor killing, there is no honor in holding someone down to kill them but that doesn't mean the death penalty doesn't exist but it's a trail by combat penalty, if you manage to survive the onslaught of guards you're let go out of respect; however if someone kills that criminals that was let go, the person who did said killing is shamed but not thrown into the prison system themselves.
Drakeith's are often degenerates but behind close doors, not out in public. It's seen as taboo but orgy houses do exist so if you see a magic user hanging outside a house, you'll know why.
Only high status warriors, kings, and nobles; along with some expectations of other professions such as engineers.
Drakeith artist are some of the most commissioned artist across the lands.
When finishing military training you're given free weapons and armor for your service.
Drakeiths don't count things in tens; they count in twenties.
Additional Biology
Drakeith males have a heart closer to the stomach and lower groin area.
Drakeith females have a heart across their other heart mirroring side. Female Drakeith in extreme cases are born with two or more tails. It's not uncommon for an additional head on the tail to be there.
Both; Drakeith have parts of their brain dedicated to remembering blood, blood type, the smell of blood, and what kind of creature from said blood.
Author's stream of thoughts on how this came to be;
My inspiration for creating this race boiled down to years of creation and studying other human races and cultures; inspired by Dwarves for the war aspect, vultures for eating other creatures, Japan for the honor and more conservative culture.
The language is inspired by French for the out there language rules and looking at how languages are shaped / born and looking at the fact some kings in history molded language.
The military aspect of being put into the military inspired by other nations that tie citizenship to military but this one being twisted and changed up.
Mentorship guild inspired by guilds but changed the system to be asking what would happen if said system benefited more from guilds than banks, yes it's for a, "political reason" (not really) and more of an interesting scenario.
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