Drakeith Language (W.I.P) (Rough Draft)
Shadow Tongue
1 - pronouncing capitals is treated different than the normal word and or vowel, so w is treated as a different letter than W.
2 - pausing, shortening or stretching a word changes the word; see is different than seee in the Shadow Tongue.
3 - When adding a letter to the end of the pronounced word changes it.
4 - verbs are used before and after a word in a sentence, "I threw the ball" is treated as valid as, "ball I threw" but double verb is treated different, "punch punch" is treated different than, "punch"
5 - honored words; these words were made after great warriors, Drakeith's and non-drakeith's that kings had the honor to fight, if your opponent came in with a unique weapon that wasn't seen at the time, if the king won he'd name the item after you in their tongue, and so honored words that don't fit the rules of the language entirely.
However expectations are made such as engineers and scientist as well but not dead by combat in this case.
6 - phrase words; words that cannot be properly translated due to large differences; often are caused by phrased words because of developmental differences; that being said phrase words have a role to play in that.
7 - d is used for plurals
8 - double vowels; when two vowels are next to each other they create a new vowel; an example, "oo" isn't, "oo" in english but "oh-oh"
All double vowels; "uu" = ux-ux, "yy" = yu-yu, "ee" = eh-eh, "oo" = oz-oz"
Action nouns exist; they're treated different from actions and verbs. Thrown ball is instead, "thrownball" which can be treated as, "someone threw the ball", "they threw a ball", etc.
Drakeith language has 27 letters
English alphabet + extra letters of their own;
1. db
aux - axe
Bo - stone slab
Bonk - Brick
Brick - hammer mage staff
bum - Ingredients
bumaneu - alchemy
Bumaneuu - poison
bbumaneu - healing
buumaneu - revitalize
bummaneu - explosive
Cas - ball
Clara - Commoner bastard sword
Dread - necromancer tome
Edge - necromancer engraved spell blade
Eniplay - a warrior best not fool around
Finu - ghost
Finui - spirit
Finnu - demon
Fini - divine
Fufu - funny
Fuufuu - *sarcastic tone* funny
Huna - wife
Inx - fertility
Inu - eat
Inud - ate
Inxu - breeding
Inxud- bred
Inuknu - feast from the hunt.
Ko - one, only, and or single
Koknu - one kill
Knu - kill
Knnud - killed
lnos - who knows
lnos, lnos - *sarcasm* who knows
Lus - ish
Man - mix
Maneu - mixing / mixed
Onk - hard, solid, dense
play - fool
Playa - moron
Playonk - dense head fool
playlus - foolish
Prow - two
ululu - laughter sound
Ululud- laughter sounds
uso - a body of water
usod - bodies of water
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